Free Speech Saved

You might have seen it in the news a few weeks ago that the English government has set out to appoint a ‘Free-Speech Champion’, specifically to combat the censorship of debates in universities and the silencing of right wing voices. What’s that, you say? You’ve not heard anything about right wing opinions being oppressed in universities? Well, how would you hear about it if it was censored, you lefty-soy-boy-beta-cuck! 

The government, you know, the right wing one that has held power for more than a decade by manipulating the media, have said that right wing voices are being squashed and that’s the bloody end of it, alright? In order to illustrate the excellent potential in having freedom of speech be so militantly regulated, we’ve invited the prospective ‘Free-Speech Champions’ to regulate this article in all of its █████!

Now, there are those of you that will think that this is a ███ idea, but to you, I say pish posh! Despite all my best efforts, I too could be capable of █████ free speech and am excited to see if there are any instances of ████, ██████, or ██ in this short piece. Surely this would highlight our abundant need for a free-speech champion to keep a watchful eye on even the most liberal of us, because as the old saying goes “█████ ████ ████ ██ Hammond and Clarkson without ██████ ███████“ We need to be ██████ from ourselves or ██████ we ████ █ ████ ███!

For centuries, freedom of speech has been ██████ for and only now, in our ██████ age can we ███ that it has ████ truly perfected. In the ██████ 20th century, women █████ ██ ███████ ███ ███████ ████████ ███████████ ██ █████ WWI for the right ██ █████ ██. █████ ███████ ██ █ ████ █████ ███████ ███ ██████ █████████ Churchill bravely ██████ █ █████ ███ ██████, ██████ ██ ████! Hitler was █████ █ █████████, but Goebbels? █████ █████ ████ ████████ █.

There is ██ doubt in ███ mind that ███ future is ████ for ██land and the ████ed ████dom. Only the ███serv█tives have t█e █████ to █████ █████ █████ █ ██████ ██ █████ for all most. █████████.

So, next time ███ jump to a ████████, take a █████ to █████ for ████self and trust ██ our ███████ and Pri██ M███st██ B██i█ ██h███n.

Free speech is saved!

Connor Fenton

Co-Founder, Editor and Lead Janitor at Gumf


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