Trump: I need the kind of generals Hitler had. Ones that try to kill me with an exploding briefcase.
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, and because I'm a big dumbass I am doomed to repeat it.

Civic-Minded Terrorists Unveil UK’s First Ever Muslim No-Go Zone
After the civic-minded, shit-for-brains halfwits of Great Britain established the country’s first ever ‘No-Go Zones this weekend, we went along to ask them: what the fuck is this all about?

Queen's Second Husband, Paddington Bear, Found Dead
Prince Paddington Bear, Duke of Islington is dead.

National Gumf Day Celebrations Cut Short by Bomb Threats
Nationally celebrated Gumf Day is brought to an abrupt end this year due to bomb threats from Ian Hislop’s ‘Private Eye’ magazine.